28 juli 2010

Giveaway..... and some new things....

Woohooooo !!!! We have reached 200 folowers !! And that means there will be a giveaway.... 
I will make some nice things this week and than i will post the giveaway this week or next week, depending how soon i will finish everything ;-))

Today i wanted to try some new things...so here is the result... babyshoes and matching bib and hairclips...
I love the fabrics !

I will be back soon with the giveaway, so keep watching now and than so you don´t miss it !

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2 opmerkingen:

  1. Gefeliciteerd! 200 is een hoop en give aways zijn altijd leuk (nou ja, die met leuke dingen dan maar daarvan ben ik bij jou wel zeker)

    Ik geef ook iets weg, aan jou: de de stylish blogger award http://viola-odoratanl.blogspot.com/2010/07/award-long-time-not-posted-anything.html


Thanks for sharing your comments !